

房號 : 5217







近期個展為〈越洋信使〉於臺灣鳳甲美術館 (2020);曾受邀印尼雅加達雙年展 (2022)、韓國光州雙年展 (2021)、印尼日惹雙年展 (2019),


曾榮獲中國華宇青年獎評委會特獎 (2021)、美國邁阿密Pulse Prize首獎 (2019)、金穗獎學生實驗類首獎 (2021 & 2019)、台新藝術獎年度決選 (2018)、高雄獎首獎 (2018)、文化部 MIT 新人特區 (2018)、臺北美術獎優選 (2018)等殊榮;其獨特的作品氛圍,極具顛覆傳統的實驗精神。

Born in 1986, Lin Yi-Chi now lives and works in Taipei.Lin received her Master’s degree in Fine Arts from the Taipei National University of the Arts.

With educational backgrounds in both contemporary art and film production, her works take the form of video art, experimental cinema, and video installation. 
In recent years, Lin’s practice centers on the diaspora experiences within Asian geopolitics. Memories and dreams are collected through field investigation, and the dynamic images are transformed into her medium of necromancy. Individual life narratives are re-interpreted and re-enacted into a re-enchantment scenario, which she employs to summon the marginal voices and re-produce bonds among nationalities, histories, and collective memories.

Lin was recently invited to exhibit works in the Jakarta Biennale (2022), 13th Gwangju Biennale (2021), and the Biennale Jogja 2019, as well as her solo exhibition “Selamat, the messenger over the sea” (2022) at Honggah Museum, Taiwan.

She has also participated in numerous domestic and international curatorial projects, film festivals, and artist residencies. Also, Lin has been accoladed with the Special Jury Prize at Huayu Youth Award (2021), First Prize at Miami Beach Pulse Prize (2019), First Prize of Golden Harvest Awards for Best Experimental Film (2021 & 2019), Finalist at the 16th Taishin Arts Award (2018), First Prize of Kaohsiung Award (2018), MIT New Artist Award by the Ministry of Culture (2018), and Honorable Mention of Taipei Arts Awards (2018).The unique atmosphere her artworks create is outstandingly experimental and subversive.

林羿綺LIN YI-CHI聯絡資訊
| Website:http://www.linyichi.com
| E-Mail:yichi1986@gmail.com