

房號 : 4109




近期的展覽有:2023 我們在此相遇, 嘉義市立美術館, 嘉義, 臺灣(聯展)、2022 BON VOYAGE, 泰國藝術大學, 佛統, 泰國(聯展)、背陽, TKG+, 臺北, 臺灣(聯展)、生活的甜蜜, 谷公館, 臺北, 臺灣(個展)、2020 新白堊紀, 台北國際藝術村, 百里廳, 臺北, 臺灣(聯展)、2019 好好戀愛, 谷公館, 臺北, 臺灣(個展)、歌唱身體帶著電, 卓納畫廊, 香港(聯展)。

JIAN Yi-Hong (born 1988, Taiwan) graduated from M.F.A, Taipei National University of the Arts.

I am based on Taipei, now.

My works by ink painting. The most subject is used the narrative and symbol to talk about my own life, societal situation, desire, relationship and fantasy for others.

Recently exhibition including: 2023 Here is where we meet, Chiayi Art Museum, Chiayi, Taiwan (group exhibition). 2022 BON VOYAGE, Silpakorn University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand (group exhibition). (DE)PHALLOCENTRISM, TKG+ Projects, Taipei, Taiwan (group exhibition). La Dolce Vita, MICHAEL KU GALLERY, Taipei, Taiwan (solo exhibition). 2021 New Normal-Preliminary Group Exhibition, Taipei Artist Village, Barry Room, Taipei, Taiwan (group exhibition). 2019 AMOUR:Love Wholeheartedly, MICHAEL KU GALLERY, Taipei, Taiwan (solo exhibition). Singing the Body Electric, David Zwirner, Hong Kong (group exhibition).

簡翊洪JIAN Yi-Hong 聯絡資訊
| IG:https://www.instagram.com/yihongjian
| E-Mail:yihongjian66@gmail.com