
她作品遍及歐、亞、美洲。其中公共典藏機構包含國立台灣美術館以及台東美術館。她曾獲麥克道威爾藝術村、麻薩諸塞當代藝術館、米萊藝術村、Joan Mitchell基金會、美國科羅拉多安德森牧場藝術中心、國藝會、駁二藝術村、鶯歌陶瓷博物館..等藝術家獎助。近年她的現地創作著重於環境議題、感知、與身體和精神性的連結,作品參與成龍溼地國際環計藝術計畫、西班牙ENCLAVE地景藝術節,冰島Fresh Winds雙年展等。創作之餘,她曾任舊金山藝術學院兼任講師,並有商業設計、文化觀察寫作方面的工作經驗。

Hui-Ying Tsai is an international interdisciplinary artist. She received the BFA from National Kaohsiung Normal University and the MFA New Genres from San Francisco Art Institute.

Her solo exhibition venues included the Stock 261 at the TaiTung Railway Art Village in TaiTung, Taiwan, Diego Rivera Gallery in San Francisco, Mooney Center Gallery at The College of New Rochelle, and CAN Foundation -- Old House Warming Project in Seoul, South Korea. She participated in the International Guerrilla Video Festival in Dublin, the On-Site Art Festival in Taipei, Art Revolution Taipei, Young Art Kaohsiung, and the Governors Island Art Fair in New York.

Her public collections include the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and Taitung Art Museum. She was a fellow of MacDowell Colony, Joan Mitchell Foundation, MASS MoCA, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, The Vermont Studio Center, The Millay Colony for the Arts, Pier-2 Arts Center, Cheng Long Wetlands International Art Project, Red Bull Arts Detroit, the Antenna: Spillways Residency. Most recently, she won the Excellent Award of 2018 Austronesian International Arts Award, the 2021 Hualien Art Award, and the 2023 King Car Art Award. Hui-Ying was featured in the books An Illustrated History of Taiwan Art and History of Fine Art in Postwar Taiwan authored by Dr. Qiong-Rui Xiao in 2013 and 2016 respectively.

蔡慧盈Hui-Ying Tsai 聯絡資訊
| Website:www.huiytsai.com
| FB:https://www.facebook.com/HuiYingTsaiArt
| IG:https://www.instagram.com/huiytsai/
| E-Mail:huiytsai@gmail.com